What’s Inside Our February Box?

What’s Inside Our February Box?

February may be the month of love, and whether you’re in a committed relationship or spending the holiday single, you should show yourself some self-love. While we often have ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily grind, we also need to take care of ourselves. We need to indulge in activities that make us happy, like getting a haircut, going to the beach, or traveling to new places. Buy that dress you’ve been wanting to buy for so long. Treat yourself to ice cream. Take a break from work, and go curl up to read a book. Meditate when you can. Find that thing that makes you happy but you don’t let yourself indulge in often.

Raw Bites February Box

Remember that our mental and emotional health are very important in living a truly healthy life. Start each day with a statement about something you’re proud of about yourself and what your goal for the day is. End each night by coming up with one thing that happened during your day that you’re grateful for. Start by being more kind to yourself and celebrating your achievements!

But moreover the things that make your heart giddy, self-love is also about indulging in what’s good for you -- like eating healthy everyday and exercising. And so we’ve packed our Regular and Premium boxes with both old and new brand partners who have joined us in the #rawvolution.

Raw Bites February Box

Sometimes, even though we want to live healthily, our lifestyle requires a complete overhaul. Don’t rush yourself. Start by snacking on the healthy treats inside our boxes, and your journey to a healthier lifestyle will come through. We’ve got your back.

Treat yourself right by going out and exercising more this month. We’ve made it easier for you with our tie-ups for the month of February! We partnered with Evolve Yoga to bring you their Starter Kit to help you tick off your #fitnessgoals. You’ll also be getting a 15% discount if you get their unlimited month pass! But we’re not done yet! We have also partnered with UVIT Activewear and MNL Grow Kits for a 10% discount on their products this month. Enjoy the month of love, self-love that is!

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